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Educational Program and Practice
Children's Health and Safety
Administration of Medication Policy V4a (Download PDF)
Animals in the Environment Policy V3a (Download PDF)
Bush Fire Policy V3 (Download PDF)
Child Safety and Protection Policy V4a (Download PDF)
Child Safe Supervision Policy V1a (Download PDF)
Delivery and Collection of Children Policy V4a (Download PDF)
Disease Prevention and Immunisation Policy V3a (Download PDF)
Emergency Management and Evacuation Policy V3b (Download PDF)
Excursion and Incursion Policy V4a (Download PDF)
Hygiene and Infection Control Policy V5a (Download PDF)
Incident, Injury, Illness and Trauma Policy V3a (Download PDF)
Medical Conditions Policy V4 (Download PDF)
Nappy Change and Toileting Policy V2a (Download PDF)
Nutrition and Food Safety Policy V5 (Download PDF)
Physical Activity Policy V2a (Download PDF)
Sleep and Rest Policy V4 (Download PDF)
Safe Transport and Arrival Policy V3 (Download PDF)
Tobacco, Drug and Alcohol Policy V3 (Download PDF)
Water, Sun and Heat Policy V1a (Download PDF)
Physical Environment
Staffing Arrangements
Relationships with Children
Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities
Enrolment and Orientation Policy V4 (Download PDF)
Family Involvement Policy V3 (Download PDF)
Transitions Policy V4 (Download PDF)
Leadership and Governance
Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations Policy V2a (Download PDF)
Child Safe Complaint Policy V3a (Download PDF)
Code of Conduct Policy V3 (Download PDF)
Continuous Improvement Policy V1a (Download PDF)
Critical Incident Management Plan Policy V1a (Download PDF)
Ethical Fundraising Policy V3a (Download PDF)
Fee Policy V7a (Download PDF)
Governance and Organisation Management Policy V5 (Download PDF)
Photography Policy V2a (Download PDF)
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy V3a (Download PDF)
Student, Volunteer and Visitor Policy V3a (Download PDF)
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