River Region Early Education is a community based, not for profit organisation whose vision is to create safe, happy, stimulating environments in rural communities where children are supported to reach their potential and learn life long skills.
Board of Management
River Region Early Education is a not for profit, community based organisation. The Board of Management, take on the responsibilities as the Approved Provider of the services and as an employer. They ensure the strategic direction of the organisation.
The Board of Management committee for River Region Early Education is decided at the Annual General Meeting in October each year.
Our Future
Our Vision, Mission and Values drive our strategic planning to ensure we will continue to provide valuable care and education for many generations to come.
Vision, Mission and Values
Our current Vision, Mission and Values were developed in 2017.
Our Vision
Educating rural children from the mind and heart
Our Mission
To create safe, stimulating environments in rural communities where children are supported
to reach their potential
and learn life long skills
We care for and help the development of children, families and educators in our Centre
A diversity of people feel valued and respected, have access to opportunities and can contribute their perspectives and talents at our Centre
We have the ability to understand and share the feelings of others
We are honest and have strong principles
To be in our Centre creates feelings of great pleasure and happiness
We have an intense enthusiasm for the work of early childhood education
Our Values