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Covid-19 Safety
How we are keeping safe
Hygiene Practices
Wash hands on arrival and departure
Use hand sanitizer for adults at entry to classrooms
Touch points being cleaned more frequently
Soft furnishings being washed frequently
Physical distancing
Limit the number of people picking up & dropping off children to ONE
stand at least 1.5m from other adults
children are being spaced at group & meal times and while sleeping
Deliveries only to admin and only essential/ urgent maintenance work conducted
Cold & Flu like symptoms
Keep your child home if they have runny nose, cough, fever until they are symptom free for 24 hours
Get a COVID test, and self isolate till negative result
Our staff are following the same guidelines
Preparing for your day
What to bring
Please label all children’s belongings.
Families are requested to dress children in clothing that gives protection from the sun
shirts/ dresses with collars and sleeves, trousers or longer shorts/skirt, all made from closely woven material. Children under 12 months of age will not be exposed to direct sunlight.
broad brimmed hats (not caps) for children that protect the face, neck, ears and crown of the head for outdoor activities. Hats are available for purchase from the admin office.
During the months of June and July (where the UV index is mostly below 3) children and educators may bring beanies for warmth outdoors.
Toileting and nappy changing will be carried out at frequent intervals and as needed throughout the day as required. Please ensure that an adequate amount of underwear and change of clothes are provided. When children commence toilet training, please ensure you provide a disposable nappy for sleep time if required. Nappies – six nappies (each day) see Nappy Change and Toileting Policy
Children who will or may sleep or rest:
Comfort items such as dummy, teddy, lambskin see Sleep and Rest Policy
For the Mobile service families are also asked to bring:
Two flat cot sheets
Blanket/sleeping bag depending on the climate
Toys from home
Comfort toys (e.g. rug, teddy etc.) that help a child settle are more than welcome.
Toys from home can become lost or broken and it saves a lot of heartache if these items are left at home, but if children bring them, we will encourage them to show their friends, then put them away in their bag for safekeeping.
We encourage the children to bring nature items and other items of general interest.
Lunch and snacks
As part of our Nutrition Policy, lunch and snacks are provided for children at centre-based Deniliquin Child Care Centre.
Families at the Barham and Deniliquin Preschool, Barham Early Learning Service and Deniliquin mobile service are asked to provide the following for their child.
Nutritious snacks packed for morning and afternoon tea eg. fruit, dried fruit, savoury biscuits (saladas, cruskit, rice cakes) or yoghurt
Nutritious lunch eg. sandwich, yoghurt or salads (left over dinner can be reheated)
See Nutrition Policy​
Allergies and intolerances
Please ensure that educators are kept up to date with your child’s dietary needs and intolerances.
There may be children attending services with food allergies that may be life threatening. Families will be made aware of the specific allergens via signage at the service. We ask that you consider these intolerances from your child’s lunchbox to minimise the risk to these children.
At all services children should bring a drink bottle with water or milk ONLY.
Drinking water is always available.
Formula and breast milk
We aim to work with families with children who are still being breastfed and provide a supportive environment by feeding children breast milk supplied by their families. We will provide a supportive environment for mothers to breastfeed.
Expressed breast milk or formula should be brought to the service in a clean sterile container labelled with the date and the child’s name.
Families need to provide bottles for use in the service. Bottles will be warmed in a bottle warmer. All bottles will be washed after use.
See Nutrition Policy
If your child has a diagnosed medical condition, they cannot attend a service without a Medical Management Plan being completed by the family and the family doctor. A risk minimisation plan will then be developed for them. This will then be communicated to all educators in the “buddy bag”
Families are required to ensure that all relevant medication (including emergency medications) is always at the service that child is in attendance. (NB medication cannot be shared between services)
A Medication record must be completed by the parent or another authorised person.
Medication must:
Be authorised in writing by a parent or another authorised person
Be prescribed by a doctor
Be in the original container
Have not expired
Have an original label and instructions that can be clearly read
Please see Administration of Medication Policy or an educator for more information.
Arriving and departing
Signing in and out
Signing your child in and out of the centre is a legal requirement.
It is done using Kiosk at the entry to the service. If you need to add a person who is authorized to pick up your child, see the admin office or the Nominated Supervisor to fill in an enrolment update form. Educators may ask to see photo identification.
See Delivery and Collection of Children Policy
Please help your child to unpack their bag – drink bottles, morning tea and lunch containers and place them in the appropriate place at each venue. Please note any medication must be handed to an educator and administration of medication form completed. See Administration of Medication Policy
Children, families and educators are encouraged to wash their hands on arrival and before leaving the service to prevent the spread of germs. Personal hygiene stations are available for family use. See Hygiene and Infection Control Policy
If your child has had a minor incident this will be documented on an accident form and you will be asked to sign the page and a copy will be provided if requested.
Educators welcome the opportunity to celebrate children’s birthdays with them.
If you would like your child celebrate at the centre, please bring along a cake or something else the children can share (not lollies).
We usually celebrate birthdays at morning or afternoon tea and families are welcome to come along and share this special time. Educators take photographs of the party for the child to keep.
To minimise the spread of germs when the child blows out the candles, families are encouraged to provide a separate cupcake (with a candle if they wish) for the birthday child and enough cupcakes for all the other children or provide a separate cupcake (with a candle if they wish) for the birthday child and a large cake that can be cut and shared.
Please provide a list of ingredients. Please let the educators know in advance so that they can organise a treat for any child who is unable to eat cake due to dietary requirements.
See Nutrition Policy
Sickness and absences
What to do in case of sickness
For the protection of well children and staff, we ask that children not come to the centre if they have:
an elevated temperature, 38 degrees or greater
vomited within a 24-hour period
Diarrhoea within 24 hours
Ear, eye or discoloured nasal discharge.
Visible rashes that have not been diagnosed by a physician
a severe cough, runny nose and/or congestion
any communicable disease – please see exclusion guidelines at the back of this booklet.
Families are asked to refrain from bringing their children to the service if they have required pain relief medication within 6 hours of arrival time. Families are unable to leave their child in care if pain relief medication has been given.
If your child develops a rash, temperature or in the opinion of the educators, becomes ill during the day, you will be contacted to collect your child. In the event we are unable to reach you, we will call the emergency contact to pick up your child.
See Incident, Injury, illness and Trauma Policy or See Disease Prevention and Immunisation Policy
Your child must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to the centre.
If your child has discharge from the eyes, a rash or any other ailment that cannot be identified, the Department of Health requires a physician to ensure the child is not contagious. A written statement or Doctor’s Certificate may be required on the child’s return.
You are required to notify the service immediately if an enrolled child or their sibling is diagnosed with an infectious disease.
A doctors certificate is required to state that your child is well before they can return to the service.
Recommended minimum exclusion periods (Download PDF)
Please notify the service when a child will be absent due via the Xplor App or call the service.
This can be done by calling the Deniliquin services on 03 5881 2394 and Barham Service on 03 54532308
Notification of absences
Please notify the service when a child will be absent.
You can notify using the XPLOR HOME app
See How to notify of absence in XPLOR
This can also be done by calling the Centre on 03 5881 2394.
We accept applications for our services all year round. All applications are added to our waitlist and places are offered when they become available.
How to Apply
Enquire online
Complete our online enquiry form and one of our team will get back to you
Call us
Call us on 03 5881 2394 to discuss our waitlist and vacancies
Pop in
Waitlist application forms are available from our office - see map
Once you have applied to join our waitlist, we will organise a tour for your family.
If you are on our waitlist, you will be offered a place when it becomes available.
For Preschool enrolments, this happens in July each year for enrolments for the following year.
To accept your offered place, the family completes the enrolment form on line. The link will be sent by the administration team.
This includes supplying a birth certificate, immunization statement, any court orders and management of medical condition form (where applicable).
An orientation for the child and family will then be organised together with a start date and time.
For Preschool, this may be a group orientation.
See our Enrolment and Orientation Policy
Click to download our Enrolment form
Priority of access
We aim to ensure access to our services is fair for all children.
Priority of access – Childcare places (Deniliquin Childcare Centre, Barham Early Learning DragonFly room and Mobile Service 0-2 years)
Enrolments are offered by date of application together with the priority of access guidelines.
River Region Early Education prioritises the enrolment of children who are:
the children of educators who require a place for work purposes
at risk of serious abuse or neglect
Within these main Priority categories, priority should also be given to children in:
children with an existing enrolment
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
families which include a disabled person
low income families (see DESE website for definition of low income in terms of annual income)
families from a non-English speaking background
socially isolated families
children residing in the vicinity of the venue before any other child that resides outside the local Government area
Priority of Access for Preschool places (Deniliquin Preschool, Barham Preschool & Mobile Preschool)
Under the NSW Government Start Strong Funding Guidelines River Region Early Education gives equal priority of access to:
Year before school - 4/5 -must have turned 4 by the 1st of February the year they are due to commence preschool
Young 4’s- must turn 4 between the 1st of February and the 31st July of the year they are commencing preschool.
3’s- must have turned 3 between the 1st of august the year prior to attending preschool and the 31st January the year of commencing preschool
children from low income and Aboriginal families
children with English Language needs
children with disability and additional needs
children who are at risk of significant harm (from a child protection perspective).
Children in the year before school will have priority over other age groups for Preschool places for a minimum of two days with highest priority given to children closest to school entry by age. Each child in this age group will receive a minimum of two days preschool before consideration of additional days. Younger children will then be offered a place.
In addition, priority of access for the Mobile service is given to children residing in the vicinity of the venue before any other child that resides outside the Government area.
See Enrolment and Orientation Policy
Fees and subsidies
Fees vary due to the age of the child and the funding that is available for that service. Fees may change during the year, but families will be notified at least 14 days in advance of any change.
Families can choose to OPT IN for FREE PRESCHOOL for 15 hours (2 days) per week at ONE community based preschool or LDC in 2023 under the NSW Start Strong program. Normal fees apply if you don't opt in at this service and for After Preschool Care.
Click the link for Declaration Form to opt in for Free Preschool. (PDF)
See Information about Start Strong Free Preschool for Preschool Families (PDF)
A daily fee applies for Childcare services, and the Child Care Subsidy applies. This is based on the individual family circumstances. Families only pay the gap between the subsidy and the daily fee.
In 2023 families can OPT IN to receive fee relief at ONE community based preschool or LDC under the NSW Start Strong Program. Children must be aged 4 yrs or older at 31/7/224 to be eligible. Fee relief is applied to the gap fee (difference between the fee and the CCS payable).
Click link for Declaration Form to opt in to Fee Relief for LDC​ (PDF) (child must be 4 yrs at 31/7/24 to be eligible).
See Information about Start Strong Fee Relief for LDC families
See Fee Policy
Enrolment and service dates 2024-25
Tuesday 6th January, 2025
First day for children at Deniliquin Childcare Centre and Barham Dragonflys room
Monday 20th January, 2025
Barham Preschool school holiday program begins
Tuesday 21st January, 2025
First day for children Deniliquin Mobile service
Friday 31st January, 2025
All services CLOSED for Organisation Training Day
Tuesday 4th February, 2025
First day for children Deniliquin Preschool
Monday 14th April- Friday 18th April, 2025
Mobile Term 1 Break
Monday 14th April- Friday 25th April, 2025
Deniliquin & Barham Preschool Term 1 Break
Monday 7th July- Friday 11th July, 2025
Mobile Term 2 Break
Monday 7th July- Friday 18th July, 2025
Deniliquin & Barham Preschool Term 2 Break
Monday 29th September- Friday 10th October, 2025
Deniliquin & Barham Preschool Term 3 Break
Monday 29th September- Friday 3rd october, 2025
Mobile Term 3 Break
19th December 2024
Last Day for Children in ALL SERVICES 2024
Changes to enrolment
Changing days
Families may make a request in writing to change their days of education and care.
Due to operational requirements, these cannot be offered on a temporary basis (i.e. reducing days for holidays). The service will take these requests into account where possible.
Casual booking are available for children using a service in the centre, please see Enrolment and Orientation Policy or the admin team for more information.
Cancelling enrolment
Families are required to provide 2 weeks WRITTEN/EMAIL notice for cancellation of care.
If the family fails to attend during this period, without a medical certificate, fees will still apply, but you will not be eligible for the Child Care Subsidy (where applicable).
Forms for enrolment updates
Policies and procedures
Follow this link for the full range of useful Policy and Procedure documents